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News - Bude Early Years Manager urges parents to check new childcare funding criteria

Early Years Manager Tahira White, from St Petroc's School Nursery in Bude, is urging parents to take a look at the new childcare funding criteria that was announced in this year's Budget, as many are in danger of missing out as they do not realise that they will soon qualify for funded childcare places.

Eligible working parents of 3 and 4 year olds already receive 30 hours of free childcare per week. However, as announced in the last Budget, from April 2024 working parents of 2 year olds are able to access 15 hours of free childcare.

From September 2024, this 15 hours of free childcare will be extended down to the age of 9 months for working parents, and then from September 2025, working parents of children aged 9 months and over will be entitled to 30 hours of free childcare per week right up until their child starts school.

Tahira said: “As a setting, we have spoken to a lot of parents recently that simply do not realise that they will be entitled to some help. The increased offer from the government is being rolled out in stages to allow childcare providers time to implement the changes and ensure that enough spaces are made available for children, so you may not be eligible straight away, but bear it in mind for next year as the financial support is so important for parents, particularly with so many rising costs elsewhere”.

Tahira added: “To be classed as 'working', as an individual you need to be earning at least £8,670 and less than £100,000 to qualify for free childcare. As a couple, you must both earn at least £8,670 and neither one of you can earn more than £100,000. We would hate for anyone to miss out on support they are entitled to, and will do our best to advise people on the funding options available”.

More information about funding options and the exact criteria can be found at

Those interested in finding out more about funded places at St Petroc's School Nursery can visit , or call 01288 389832.


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